Absolutely! It’s the safest option on the market, and the closest option to a DIY raw diet without the bacteria since every manufacturer has to follow the “Zero Tolerance” mandate by the FDA. This requires that any pet food sold is free from bacteria like E.coli, salmonella & listeria to keep humans and their pets safe.

Quality brands will also take extra safety steps. Once through the process, these pet food companies will have the food third-party tested for pathogens – even posting these results to verify. 

Testing done in-house by the manufacturer is not a good bet because you can’t guarantee transparency. 

The Simple Food Project is so serious about safety and transparency that they created a Lot Lookup to give customers a peek behind the curtain. There’s a snapshot of the raw ingredients that go into the very box you order, along with results from third-party testing. 

Every pet parent deserves to know exactly what’s in their pet’s food.